Marine Life Habitat, Hotels, Restaurants, Cairns, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Crocodiles, Marine life Habitat, Hotels, Cairns, Australia

Marineland Melanesia, Cairns, Australia

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30 second video

Pictures of activities on the Great Barrier Reef, Cairns, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia
Crocodiles, Marine Life, Cairns, Port Douglas, Australia
Worlds Biggest Crocodile
(in captivity)

Cassius is about 100 years old, is a reputed Man-Eater and is the largest crocodile ever caught alive in Australia!!!


Giant Saltwater Crocodiles
Loggerhead, Hawksbill & Green Turtles
Aquariums with over 100 species

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Treasures of Ancestral Art...

Over 500 pieces of Oceanic Art
(from here to Madagascar)

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To find us...  Just a short stroll along the path to the left of the jetty, until you reach the Marineland Melanesia shipwreck entrance.